
Talc Claim FAQs


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Johnson & Johnson continued to sell talcum powder for years despite knowing its potential cancer risks. If you or a loved one used Johnson & Johnson talc for over five years and developed cancer, you might be eligible for compensation. We’ve been contacted by a significant number of people with a diagnosis of mesothelioma or various types of ovarian cancer. They believe talcum powder may be the cause, so want to know more. We’ve therefore put together these talc claim FAQs for you.

What are the talc claim FAQs?

There are already a significant number of people who have developed illnesses such as mesothelioma, and types of ovarian cancer who’ve joined the talcum powder claim. Each of them, understandably, has many questions.

We listen to our clients, so have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, simply contact us and we’ll do what we can to assist you.

What is talc and why is it dangerous?

Talc is a naturally occurring mineral composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. It’s found in rock deposits, so it’s mined from underground deposits before it’s crushed and milled into a fine powder.

Talc is used to absorb moisture and reduce friction, making it useful for keeping skin dry and helping to prevent rashes. It’s therefore a common ingredient in body and facial powders.

Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral. When inhaled, the microscopic asbestos fibres can cause serious respiratory conditions, such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Unfortunately, talc is often found in close proximity to asbestos, which means when mined, cross-contamination is a possibility.

What did talcum powder manufacturers do wrong?

Early studies completed in the 1960s and 1970s raised concerns that cross-contamination of talc and asbestos may have occurred when mined. This means that asbestos fibres, which can cause serious harm, may have been present in the talc which was mined. However, despite the concerns raised in these early studies, no action was taken by the manufacturers.

Not only did they continue to mine talc, but they didn’t warn consumers about the risks of using talc products, knowing that they may have contained harmful asbestos.

As a result, there are a significant number of people who’ve gone on to develop asbestos-related illnesses such as mesothelioma, and cancers such as ovarian cancer, which we believe has been caused through significant use of talc products.

Why is there a talc claim?

When people have suffered from or lost loved ones as a result of someone else’s negligence, we believe those at fault should be held to account for their wrongdoing.

Manufacturers should have provided consumers with proper safety warnings about the potential risks of using talc products. If they had done this, it’s likely that the suffering and loss of so many people could have been prevented.

Instead, we believe thousands of people in the UK may have unnecessarily been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer or serious primary peritoneal cancer.

This is why we have launched a talc claim. We wish to seek justice and compensation for those affected and hold the manufacturers responsible to account. If you believe you’re affected simply sign up to join the claim.

How do I know if I can join the talcum powder claim?

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, serous fallopian cancer or serous primary peritoneal cancer, and have used talcum powder regularly for five or more years, you may be able to join the claim.

How can I prove that talcum powder caused my illness?

There are a number of studies available which demonstrate the link between the use of cosmetic talc and cancers such as mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, serous fallopian cancer, and serous primary peritoneal cancer. We work with various medical experts who will help present our case to a judge.

Can I claim for a loved one who passed away?

If you have a loved one who passed away as a result of mesothelioma or ovarian cancer, and they used talc on a regular basis, you may be able to join the claim.

Simply register your details to join the claim, and one of our specialists will be in touch.

How much will it cost me to join the talc claim?

We don’t believe that the cost of legal representation should prevent people from seeking justice and compensation. Especially those who’ve suffered illness or lost loved ones due to someone else’s negligence.

That’s why we’re representing claimants in this talc claim on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. Basically, this means if you lose the case, you won’t have to pay any fees, so there’s no financial risk. If you win the case, you’ll be paid compensation and your legal fees will be deducted from your compensation.

The amount of fees deducted from your compensation if you win will be a percentage of the total value of your claim. The percentage will depend on various factors, such as the amount of costs that talc manufacturers are ordered to pay. Full details of the funding is explained in the paperwork you’ll receive when you join the claim.

How do I join the talc claim and what happens after I join?

To make things as simple as possible, we’ve created a quick and easy registration process.  Once you’ve registered to join the claim, it will be allocated to one of our legal specialists who will be in touch to explain the next steps.

At certain stages of the claim, we may ask you to provide supporting documents, so please make sure you keep any records that you have. We’re likely to request evidence of your diagnosis of mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer and/or peritoneal cancer. Don’t worry if you don’t have these documents. We can provide guidance to help you obtain them.

If you’re acting as a personal representative, we’ll also need documents to prove your authority to act as a personal representative.

We’ll keep in touch throughout the progress of the claim by email, so please make sure you add our email address to your safe senders list.

How long will the claim take?

Typically, this type of case can take up to 3-5 years to go through the courts. Although we can’t control how long it will take, we’ll do everything we can to progress the claim as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How much compensation will I receive if the claim is successful?

At this stage, it’s difficult for us to predict the amount of compensation you’re likely to receive. It depends on a number of factors, such as the severity of your diagnosis and the financial losses you’ve incurred as a result.

However, as soon as the case is at a stage where we’re able to provide you with an estimate, we’ll be in touch.

What happens if the claim is unsuccessful?

If the claim is unsuccessful, we’ll let you know without delay and will explain the reasons why.

There’ll be no need to worry about having to pay legal fees. As your case will be funded by a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement, you will be protected from having to pay costs, as long as you keep to your responsibilities under our agreement.

Why should you join the talc claim?

Some manufacturers failed to ensure that the talcum powder on sale in the UK was free from asbestos. Additionally, they failed to tell UK consumers about these risks.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer or peritoneal cancer, and have used talcum powder products over a period of time, you have the right to seek justice and compensation.

Many law firms avoid pharmaceutical cases as they can be complex and need a vast amount of expertise. We have that expertise. We have extensive experience in successfully representing, and achieving justice for, consumers in group claims against large corporations. Our lawyers have secured millions of pounds in compensation for consumers who’ve been wronged.

We’re offering clients who join the talcum powder claim the opportunity to pursue justice under a ‘no win, no fee’ agreement. This means if the case is unsuccessful, we won’t charge you any fees.

‘They knew. They lied. We paid the price’
People diagnosed with life-changing and life-limiting cancers have spoken of their ‘betrayal’ at the hands of the talcum powder manufacturers.By bringing together affected individuals in a group action claim we aim to hold the talc manufacturers responsible for the harm caused by their products.
If you or a loved one has experienced health issues due to extensive talcum powder use, take the first step towards seeking justice today. We are running this case on a no-win, no-fee basis. This means if the case is unsuccessful, we won’t charge you any fees.
In February 2024, our firm changed its name from Keller Postman UK to KP Law.

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